Европа на гражданите

Дата на публикуване: 07.06.2022 16:35


Press release WP1 Birgu activity

The Birgu Local Council Malta as coordinators of the European CERV-funded project ‘Build it Together’ hosted the transnational conference ‘Concept of Storytelling’ between the 10th to 14th of October 2024. Hosting 60 participants from 8 countries.

During the Concept of Storytelling Conference, after a welcome ceremony and Introduction Speech by the Mayor of Birgu John Boxall, the project was introduced to the partners by H.E. Dr Mark Causon.

A presentation of a storytelling video Witness: Echoes of Birgu- H.E. Dr Mark Causon, followed by From Lasagna to Łazanki - Ms. Edyta Bodnar & Mr. Ryszard Matecki Polish; Discovering Niš: A Journey Through Time and Tradition, Niš: A Mosaic of Historical Treasures and Modern Life-  Ms Aleksandra & Manojlovic Kocic representing Serbia; History of Bulgarian cuisine by Devnia Municipality- Mrs.Miglena Stoeva & Mrs.Yordanka Tsoneva from Bulgaria. This was followed by a Historical Perspective of Estonia and the movement of people- Mr. Aleksei Smulski Estonia; Food Influences in France- Ms.Louise Papadoperakis France;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Elderly People's Experience from Birgu, a group of elderly people from Birgu presented a storytelling video of life in Birgu throughout the ages. Food as an element of history and culture in Poland- Mr. Sylwester Machnio & Ms.Elżbieta Frydrychowicz; Interesting stories from elderly in Ireland- Mr Stephen Mungovan; The connection between different generations through history and tradition in the town of Gerace- Ms Valentina Staltari ; Bulgarian traditional dishes- Mr Ivan Ivanov       

A panel discussion took place where the participants discussed the various presentations and videos presented, how with different countries each presenting their own view, it shows the connections between people, and different cultures through the analysis of storytelling.

Good practice visit to the Inquisitor's palace which hosts a section on traditional food cooking from the 14th and 15th centuries, storytelling by people on various cultural and social life of the early 18th and 19th centuries.

This was followed by a visit to Fort Sant Angelo a 12th century forte which was hosting a candle light tour of the historical building and was explained about life and food during the 15th century.

The next visit was to the Naval bakery which was used as the bakery for the British forces during the WW1 and WW2 and which now hosts the maritime, and political museum.

In the afternoon a partners meeting was held to discuss the logistics of the coming activities, financial and other project management issues.